Thursday, 2 March 2017

It's March!!!!!

Can you believe it is March? I certainly can't. I have no idea where the time is going. I told the children today that they were no longer just in grade 3 but half way to grade 4! The year is over halfway done already! Our March newsletter has been uploaded.

Image result for genius hourI am so excited that we have started our very first Genius Hour. The students are thrilled and all the proposals that have been handed in have been approved. We will start the research next week. I will be teaching them how to research and gather evidence to support their passion project. So much fun and so much learning to be done. We plan on sharing all of our projects and will host an open house for you to come and see all their hard work. Stay tuned for more details. 

Last week we talked a lot of about "Random Acts of Kindness". We have decided as a class to do something nice for our local police officers. We have invited them into our class next week. They are always busy keeping our community safe and we think they deserve a little treat! As a class we brainstormed and decided that we would like to make the officers a big healthy fruit salad. A letter will be sent home with more detail as soon as we firm up a time and date. We will be asking the students to bring in some fruit if they are able to. Kindness is contagious; pass it on!! 

Image result for fast pray giveWe had our Ash Wednesday liturgy this week to start our Lenten journey. The children have learned about the importance of FAST, PRAY, GIVE. They are very excited to participate in all the activities we will do as we lead up to Easter. We are preparing our hearts as we begin this important journey. 

Math in Action!  We have been busy estimating how many objects fit into our snowman. We had some very rich math discussions about why estimation is so important in our daily lives! 



Science in Action! Working with magnets! We discovered the differences between the north and south pole on magnets! We know that magnets can pass through water, styrofoam and glass! 


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