Our Dance-a-thon was a huge success and we thank all the parents who worked so hard to ensure that the kids had a blast! KUDOS to you!
Please come by our classroom and check out our Procedural Writing on the bulletin board. The students worked so hard on their Narrative stories that we left them up for a little longer than expected. Our "How to Put Your Monster to Bed" writing should have been up for Halloween. Problem solved - we made Santa hats for our Monsters. Very clever indeed.
We wrapped up our Patterning unit last week. The students know that patterns can have different attributes. We reviewed number patterns as well which was a perfect way to introduce Multiplication which we will begin this week.
The primary division will have our first Advent ceremony in the Learning Commons on Tuesday. Looking forward to gathering with the students.
We also worked on a very exciting STEAM challenge on Friday. The children were put into groups and given 5 marshmallows and 25 spaghetti noodles. The challenge was to build the tallest tower... we are still working on it but here are some pictures to show what we've done so far! Marshmallows are messy; we learned that much!