Sunday, 27 November 2016

Light the Advent Candle...

As we begin our Advent season, I am humbled by the kindness and caring that the students have shown towards their classmates last week during Bully Prevention and Awareness Week activities. Our grade 3s certainly know how to make others feel welcomed and special in our classroom.

Our Dance-a-thon was a huge success and we thank all the parents who worked so hard to ensure that the kids had a blast! KUDOS to you! 


Please come by our classroom and check out our Procedural Writing on the bulletin board. The students worked so hard on their Narrative stories that we left them up for a little longer than expected. Our "How to Put Your Monster to Bed" writing should have been up for Halloween. Problem solved - we made Santa hats for our Monsters. Very clever indeed. 

We wrapped up our Patterning unit last week. The students know that patterns can have different attributes. We reviewed number patterns as well which was a perfect way to introduce Multiplication which we will begin this week. 

The primary division will have our first Advent ceremony in the Learning Commons on Tuesday. Looking forward to gathering with the students. 

We also worked on a very exciting STEAM challenge on Friday. The children were put into groups and given 5 marshmallows and 25 spaghetti noodles. The challenge was to build the tallest tower... we are still working on it but here are some pictures to show what we've done so far! Marshmallows are messy; we learned that much! 



Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Agenda's & Communication

Starting tomorrow (November 23rd) each student will be coming home with a double sided "Agenda" page in a folder. (they still have the little pink communication book should you require to write more). The paper will be used for 2 weeks and after the 2 weeks will be replaced with a new one. The students can write down important dates and/or any homework that I have asked them to complete. Here is a copy of what it will look like. Agenda Page Should you have any questions please let me know. Thank you for all your continued support in keeping the students organized and ready for their learning day!

                                                       Image result for Good News

Tuesday News!

We had an AMAZING morning in grade 3! Two Ottawa 67 players came to our school to read a Brady Brady story for us. We sat quietly and listened and then we got to ask the players questions. Some question were "what is your favourite position?" and  "how many goals  have your scored this season?" We found out that these two players started playing hockey at the age of 3 and 4; just like some of our students in our class. Each student game home with an autographed bookmark for two free game tickets as well. SO AWESOME.  After they left we got to work writing them thank you letters which we will mail out tomorrow; imagine an actual letter getting mailed (a thing of the past for sure!)


Thursday, 17 November 2016

Patterns, Patterns, Patterns

The students worked hard to create patterns this week using 4 different attributes. Colour, Size, Shape  and Orientation. I challenged them to try to use all 4 attributes in the pattern rule. 

Monday, 14 November 2016

Happy Monday!

Mrs. Smith and I had a wonderful time at the technology conference last week but we are so happy to be back in our classrooms as well! We can't wait to share all the exciting new tech we learned. We have a very busy week planned in grade 3 especially because it is a short week. There is a PD day on Friday.

In Language today we will be introduced to the concept of "Summarizing" stories in our own words. We will use the graphic organizer "Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then... Ask you children to tell you all about it. It's a great tool to use when asking to summarize a story or event. For word work this week we will focus on the following five words: anyone, answer, drink, question, many. 

In Math we will begin talking about Patterns (growing, shrinking and repeating) and learn about the four elements of patterning: size, shape, orientation and colour.

Today is Music Monday and Bill Nye the Science Guy will be showing us some cool tunes and the science behind Music.

Thursday, 10 November 2016

BIT 2016

We are excited to learn today boys and girls! Have a great day!

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Busy Busy Busy

Last week was super busy in Grade 3! One of our favourite activities was doing a Google Hangout with a school named St. Francis is Junction City, Kansas! So cool to be involved in this learning opportunity. Together both classes emptied the seeds out of their pumpkins, estimated the seeds and we counted the final tally! 

Our VIP table continues to be a success! Students chosen as our VIPs display excellent learning skills and they are awarded with this favourite spot in the classroom. 

In Math we continue to work on addition and subtraction strategies. The students are becoming experts at using number lines to solve problems. Quite a few of them had many "aha" moments. Ask them all about it! 

We finished Procedural writing this week. After creating our monsters, we explained how to put them to bed! Such a fun writing activity. Grade 3 has some great imaginations. Some monsters could only go to sleep after eating 3 pizzas! 

We completed a cool soil experiment and were anxious to see the results after the soil settled.

In Gym, we have been learning the skills of volleyball and got to participate in Rocks and Rings curling. So awesome to be able to learn a sport that means so much to Canadians! Power to Play continues to be a popular way to learn all about healthy eating. Can't wait for more secret missions! 

Looking forward to another week as we begin to talk about Remembrance Day and what that means to us. I will be away on Thursday and Friday this week as I will be attending a technology conference in Niagara Falls. Can't wait to come back and share all the knowledge.

  Pyjama Day to raise money for Unity Way was a huge success!